ACTS Update: 5/11/19

By ACTS |  December 30, 2019

Andy Shockney, Lay Leader

King Avenue UMC’s vision, which states in part that we “lead reconciling ministries,” and the decisions of the 2019 General Conference leave our congregation "misaligned" with our current denomination's policies. In March, the Staff Parish Relations Committee voted to create an ad hoc subcommittee, Alternative ConnecTional Structure (ACTS), to investigate emerging options to affiliate King Avenue Church with a Methodist judicatory of a compatible missional alignment.
We have held our first meeting in May and have agreed we will explore options that are aligned with our church's mission and vision. We have conducted an initial assessment and identified a few opportunities. We will begin by establishing contacts with each new opportunity to allow us to further clarify the requirements and expectations of any recommendation. To be clear, we are only exploring options at this time. But, it would be our hope to present focused and researched recommendations to SPRC and Admin Council.
You should also be aware that the Finance Committee proposed to Administrative Council to escrow all apportionments that would be paid to the denomination through June of 2019. Administrative Council supported this proposal unanimously. Finance and Ad Council will consider the proposal at their July meetings. We appreciate your prayerful consideration and support as the ACTS committee pursues this important work. 

