New to King Avenue?
By R. Luetje | August 1, 2023
Our Mission
We invite, welcome and honor all people and nurture them to grow in service with Christ.
Our Vision Statement
“We are a community of servants called by God’s reconciling grace to open doors of sanctuary, to create new avenues of ministry, to equip Christians for discipleship, to lead reconciling ministries.”
Worship Styles and Times
Morning Blend: (informal) 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall
Traditional Worship: 11:00 am in the sanctuary
- ASL Interpretors on the 1st Sundays at both services
- Nursery up to Age 3 - 8:45-12:15
- Coffee Hour 10:00-11:00 in the Parlor

Click to download a larger map.
Children, Youth, and Family Ministry (breaks for summer)
10:00 Sunday School Hour
- Godly Play: 4 yrs to 2nd/3rd grades (L5)
- Chrysalis Club: 3rd/4th to 5th grades (L4+)
- C.O.R.E. Youth: 6th to 12th grades (Donnenwirth Lounge)
- Real Life, Real Parents: Open to all parents and caregivers (Fireside Room)
9:00am and 11:00am Worship
- Sunday Worship Childcare: Birth – Age 3, Sundays from 8:45am – 12:15pm
- Worship Connections: 4 yrs to 3rd grade (L4)
Find us at the corner of King and Neil
299 King Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Phone: 614-424-6050
Our Ministers
Karen Muntzing, Senior Pastor
Andy Burns, Associate Pastor
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