Poinsettia Orders
November 20, 2024
DUE MONDAY, DECEMBER 9: Poinsettia Orders
Poinsettias are displayed throughout our Sanctuary during the Advent season. The cost of one Poinsettia is $11. Your donations will be included in the 7pm and 9pm Christmas Eve bulletins on Tuesday, December 24. Poinsettias are available to take home after the services. Please submit payment and the following necessary information by Monday, December 9. You can use Realm to pay, or contact Amy (amy@kingave.org) or call the church office at 614) 424-6050 to make alternative arrangments.
🎄CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE DEDICATION(S) - Please complete a separate dedication form for each Poinsettia.
🎄CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE PAYMENT - You can complete 1 payment for one or more than one Poinsettia in $11 increments.