Dear King Avenue Friend, Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace. (UMH, #349. Helen H. Lemmel, 1922) As we enter this season of Stewardship, we are asked to discern, “What Matters Most?” Our answer, as followers of the Living God must be - Jesus. As church is still suspect for too many people, our call, as followers of Christ, is to proclaim, with certainty, that INCLUSIVENESS IS WHAT GOD INTENDS! Beginning in January 2025, we will journey through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the Book of Acts. The project is called OPEN, led by the Adult Faith Formation Team at King Avenue. As participants, we will encourage each other to turn our eyes upon Jesus and his presence on this earth. We will share and listen to how, by trusting deeply in God’s love for us, day by day, we are called to transform the world through; Love of God, Love of Neighbor, and by Loving Ourselves. Through this we learn to trust God’s love for us and we become better equipped to love others. We will share more on the OPEN project soon and look forward to your participation. “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” Jesus, John 15.12 As we lean into the stories of Jesus, as we open ourselves to be transformed by God’s love, and most importantly, as we allow ourselves to be challenged, we will more naturally reflect the characteristics of Christ. This intentional turning our eyes upon Jesus will help us develop in our love and kindness to others and acknowledge God’s grace in our lives. As we move into deeper discipleship, greater faithfulness, and find more opportunities for service, hand in hand with our community, we will focus on the importance of generosity rather than survival. Friend, will you turn your eyes upon Jesus, and ask how you are being called to invest in our ministry in 2025? Will you consider a pledge of 5% or more of your household income this year to support our ministry and missions? Will you offer your time, talent, service, worship, and witness, along with your treasure? Our estimated budget for 2025 is over $800,000 and your faithfulness, intentional generosity and service is an important factor in helping us focus on “What Matters Most.” Thank you for helping us consider “What Matters Most”, as we “turn our eyes upon Jesus” and continue King Avenue’s long tradition of Inclusiveness as God Intends. With hope and love in Christ, |

- Will you turn your eyes upon Jesus, and ask how you are being called to invest in our ministry in 2025?
- Will you consider a pledge of 5% or more of your household income this year to support our ministry and missions?
- Will you offer your time, talent, service, worship, and witness, along with your treasure?
Our estimated budget for 2025 is over $800,000 and your faithfulness, intentional generosity and service is an important factor in helping us focus on “What Matter Most.”
Sharing in our ministry together is an act of discipleship and following Jesus. Opportunities to serve are below. If you are interested in any of these areas, leave name and best contact info. Some Administrative Committees are:
- ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL – Provides for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, and witness. It meets quarterly, and establishes policy, adopts long-range plans, elects officers, and approves the annual budget. Project-specific work teams will meet more frequently. The Council identifies potential leadership for current and future ministry areas.
- NOMINATIONS AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT – Identifies, nominates, and recruits the lay leadership of the church. While it may meet throughout the year, it will meet four or five times in the fall.
- STAFF PASTOR PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE – Serves as the personnel committee for the church. Its responsibilities include identifying the staff needed to carry out the mission of the church, hiring, evaluating, preparing the staff budget, approving staff continuing education, maintaining communication between staff and congregation, interviewing candidates desiring to enter the ministry, and communicating with the District Superintendent as to congregation and pastoral needs. It meets almost every month on the third Tuesday, or as called. Meets in-person.
- FINANCE COMMITTEE – Prepares the annual budget and reviews the financial status of the church. Monitors long-term investment funds in co- ordination with the Board of Trustees. Communicates financial updates to the congregation. It meets monthly on the second Tuesday, on Zoom and in-person.
- BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Cares for maintenance and safety of the property and contents of the church, prepares long-range projects, monitors insurance needs and contracts, handles the sale and purchase of property, and solicits and contracts bids on capital work. Manages rental unit. monthly on the first Tuesday.
Along with Administrative Committees, there are other options available for you to become more connected. Check out the MINISTRY and MISSIONS menus above to find how you are called to serve! Thank you for helping us consider “What Matters Most”, as we “turn our eyes upon Jesus” and continue King Avenue’s long tradition of Inclusiveness as God Intends.
Check out the stewardship video.
What Matters Most... Here are some Stewardship Puzzles for you!
Check out these "What Matters Most" stewardship wordle-style puzzles! How many can you solve?
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Click on the thumbnail of this word search puzzle to open a "What Matters Most" word search. It's a doozie! Can you find them all?