Serve Gates Fourth Community Breakfast

January 10, 2025

Fourth and Fifth Saturdays: Gates Fourth UMC Community Breakfast

Calling all cooks, servers, and hostesses! Gates Fourth UMC serves a monthly community breakfast at 119 E. Gates St. King Avenue assists the Gates Fourth team with greeting guests, distributing clothing/personal care donations, serving meals, assisting in the kitchen, and cleaning up.

For more information on getting involved, please contact Shawn Compton at or (614)378-6758 or simply show up to Gates Fourth on the fourth and/or fifth Saturday of each month to enjoy a meal with your neighbors.

The dress code for this food service environment is casual but please wear closed-toe shoes for safety. The only skills needed for this three-hour commitment are to smile and bring hospitality to this diverse community.

We hope to see you there! Gates Fourth United Methodist Church, 119 E. Gates St., Columbus, OH 43206 from 8:00-11:00am.
