Unclobber! Reclaiming the Bible from LGBTQ+ Harm
August 17, 2024
Unclobber...Reclaiming the Bible from LGBTQ+ Harm
Tuesdays/Wednesdays Beginning September 10/11
The Bible & homosexuality - doesn't that make you cringe? The Bible has historically been misused to harm LGBTQ+ folks. So-called "clobber passages" (like Lev. 18:22 and Rom 1:26-27) have been thrown around to keep many people from giving their full selves to a relationship with Jesus. But we believe the Bible has a different story to tell, one that does NOT condemn LGBTQ+ folks. Join us for this 9-week course, using material created by Colby Martin, as we unclobber those Biblical passages and learn how our scriptures can bring life instead of death, to people of all sexualities and gender identities.
This class has two options: Tuesdays at noon on Zoom, and Wednesdays at 7pm in-person. Sign up on Realm or tell Pastor Andy you're interested at andy@kingave.org.
Registration Links below:
Image credit https://www.unclobber.com/ - Colby Martin