King Avenue Visitor Fellowship

January 30, 2021

Visitor Fellowship

If you are a visitor worshiping either in-person or on-line at King Avenue Church, you are invited to participate in a new Visitor Fellowship. The Fellowship will meet virtually Thursday evenings, 6:45-8:00 pm starting Thursday, January 28 and continuing through February 25. Each session will feature a brief presentation of a topic related to United Methodist beliefs, practices, history or King Avenue congregational life followed by discussion and sharing our stories. At the end of the five sessions, you may take membership vows to formally join King Avenue United Methodist Church, but you are not obligated or expected to do so. The visitor fellowship sessions are valuable simply to help you get oriented to this community.

To participate, please email or call (614) 424-6050 Ext. 101.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 2586 9468
Passcode: 926540

