Difficult Conversations - Adult Sunday School
from October 5, 2014 10:00 am
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
Facilitator: Rev. Colleen Ogle and Team
Sundays 10am September 7 - October 12
Room: Chapel
Most of us have some issues that arise in our daily lives, with family, coworkers, or even other church members, that we hesitate to discuss because we anticipate unpleasantness and disagreement. This class will give participants guiding principles about how to engage others in difficult conversations - with a respectful manner and greater likelihood of fair, mutually-beneficial resolution. We will practice techniques shared in Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most, a New York Times-bestselling book written by mediators with the Harvard Negotiation Project. This 6-week class will be offered as a supplement to a fall KAUMC sermon series on conflict resolution. The book is not required for class participation.