Church at Home Study
July 16, 2020, 7:00 pm
Church at Home Small Group - Rev. Colleen Ogle invites you to -The Church at Home Small Group, a Bible study and discussion weekly by Zoom in June through August. 

The materials we use are The Bible Project’s “Church at Home” featuring a weekly 3-5 minute audio reflection, and a 6-minute video presentation that the group will watch together during our session. 

Participants will read 3 Bible passages in advance each week that will form the basis for our discussion. The themes include Generosity, Sabbath, Gospel, Water of Life, Image of God, Justice, Way of Exile, Hope, and Wisdom. Our discussion will focus on discerning the scriptures meaning for today. The sessions will meet Thursdays 7 pm – 8:15pm weekly starting June 11. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER