Exploring the Spirit Through Art

January 30, 2021

Exploring the Spirit through Art Invitation

Do you ever see a piece of art that just seems to speak to you? You do not have to be an artist to appreciate the language of art—for it is a language of the spirit, human and holy. Colleen Ogle would like to invite you to explore the spirit through the art and life story of Aminah Robinson, the renowned local artist whose work is featured now and in an upcoming months at the Columbus Museum of Art https://www.columbusmuseum.org/visit in an exhibit entitled, “Raggin’ On: The Art of Aminah Robinson’s House and Journals.”  Rev. Ogle believes that this exhibit conveys powerful hope and guidance for our community today.

The exhibit should be accessible to most everyone – the safety protocols of the Columbus Museum of Art are impressive and include making timed reservations in advance of your visit. All visitors on Sundays are admitted for free! You can learn details on their website.  

While you are at the exhibit, if you identify a piece of art that inspires, instructs, or deepens your awareness of yourself, your community, or the Spirit, please take a photo of the art piece with a camera or your cell phone, include a selfie too, and email them to colleen@kingave.org or text to (614) 774-0956.  If you get your photo(s) in by March 10, they may be part of an “Art Witness” during worship on March 21.

Columbus Museum of Art special exhibit Raggin’ On: The Art of Aminah Robinson’s House and Journals accessed on 1/30/21 from https://www.columbusmuseum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Aminah-image-627-x-627-copy.jpg
