Hello from Pastor Karen

June 28, 2023

Friends at King Avenue United Methodist Church,

I write this on the evening before I leave for Israel. I write, wondering if taking the trip now, on the cusp of entering ministry with you, is the right time and right thing—for certain, it is the thing that is happening. I am wondering how the Spirit of God will move as I travel to the Holy Land…now. I am eager, and expectant, though with no formed or formulaic expectations. God will show up in ways I cannot yet dream or imagine.
I want to thank so many of you for already connecting with me. I saw and met some at “What’s the T?”—a tremendous event of education, fellowship, hope, and love. I saw and met more of you at Pride Worship at Broad Street, and more yet at the Pride Parade. I met more at Linda and John’s home, as they graciously hosted staff and SPRC just yesterday. I have shared in a couple worship team meetings, and spent time already with Andy, Amy, and Gwen, Marlene, Chris, and more. I have reconnected with friends and colleagues in the congregation. I am grateful for the strong leadership gifts that are rich within the congregation—in current leaders, in past, and no doubt, into the future, generously shared for our common good.
Brook and I are excited to get fully and formally on the ground, acclimating to all that is new, and renewed. I give thanks for Pastor Linda’s deep love and faithfulness in serving well beyond her call and charge. Your celebration of her ministry was a beautiful tribute. And I give thanks for Pastor Andy, being steady along this way, and look forward to working alongside him.
When I return from Israel, I expect to meet one-on-one with a number of you, and in small groups with others. I want to hear of your dreams, hopes, and stories of how your life has been changed because you are a part of King Avenue, and King Avenue is a part of you. I expect a learning curve, and ask your grace with names—I am eager to know and call you by name, each and all of you, with God’s help! Arriving in the Summer gives me time to get up to speed on fall programming and calendaring.
Every time I think of you and the powerful ministries of love, life, and hope for ALL, I give thanks for you. And I marvel at the privilege of joining you. You will continue to be in my prayers and on my heart as we grow in faithfulness together…in Christ.      
With love and hope, Pastor Karen
