King Avenue Digest 11/9/23

November 9, 2023

Learn about Our Hearts Transforming! “ing” is action without end. King Avenue is “ing.” As we celebrate the end of our Capital Campaign and the beginning of our Giving Campaign, we are invited to come together in reflection and continue to fulfill the promise of Christ, as action without end. We “ing!” ~Restoring the glory and heritage of the church home with roof and stained-glass restoration. ~Welcoming with updated Audio/Visual and hearing-impaired technologies. ~Engaging though online streaming services. ~Warming with a newly installed boiler and heating system. ~Expanding ministry and mission with new staff and programming. Learn more about Our Hearts Transforming.

Participate in the Weekly Wordle! Each week, you will be given a Transforming "Wordle" puzzle. Remember, you get 6 guesses each week to solve for the word of the week. Your goal is to guess the word in as few guesses as possible. Unlike the regular Wordle games many of you are familiear with, this Transforming puzzle will always end with -ING and have something to do with who we strive to be as King Avenue Church.  CLICK HERE FOR WEEK FOUR WORDLE.


  • ELEVATOR STATUS REPORT -  The elevator is still not in working condition. It seems there is an issue in one of the hydraulic cylinders, and the process of repair involves hoops in addition to the city/state approvals and sign-off.  Please forgive us and know we are doing all that we can to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience, and we look forward to soon being back at full operating capacity! 

  • THIS WEEKEND: King Avenue Players Production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Due to a Covid outbreak, the Thursday and Friday performances of The Hunchback of Notre Dame were canceled. However, the the cast and crew HOPES to still have one final performance Sunday at 3:00pm. Admission is free, but a freewill offering is greatly appreciated! 

  • THIS FRIDAY, November 10: Youth Group Pizza & Nerf Wars - Due to Hunchback being canceled on Friday, we have changed our event to Pizz and Nerf Wars. Meet in Donnewirth Lounge at 6pm for pizza , and and we'll have a rousing game of nerf wars following. This is for Grades 6 and up only. Parents can stay. Questions? Contact Ada.

  • THIS SATURDAY, November 11: The Circles Fall Cleanup - Fall is upon us, and with the season comes the annual Circles Fall Clean-up scheduled now for Saturday, November 11 from 9:00 am to noon. (This is the rescheduled date since the oak leaves hadn't dropped their leaves on the original date!) As with prior Fall Clean-ups, some folks will start earlier and some later. Our kick-off place will be the circle at Michigan and West Seventh Avenues, where leaf bags and some tools will be available. Of course we always need many neighbors to clean up, rake leaves, pick up litter, trim shrubs, and beautify our streets, circles, alleys, end caps, turn-arounds, etc. Send your questions and suggestions to Sara Hayslip

  • THIS SUNDAY, November 12: Pledge Sunday! Join your church family on Sunday for a special Pledge Sunday! Let’s bring Christ’s love with actions of Inviting, Welcoming, Honoring, Reconciling, Equipping, and Nurturing all people to grow in service with Christ! As part of our transforming community, please consider making a generous pledge this year. We use pledge commitments received to finalize and determine our operating budget. Our 2023 operating budget was nearly $1 million. Thank you again for helping us continue King Avenue’s long tradition of being ALL IN.

  • THIS SUNDAY, November 12: Veterans Day Reception - At both 10:00am and noon on Sunday, November 12, Cor Servi will host receptions to honor those who served. Cor Servi (Latin for "A Servant's Heart") is KAUMC's group for anyone who is serving or has served in the Military, as a First Responder, or in the Peace Corps, and their families. If this sounds like you or someone you know, please come and connect with us on Sunday, Nov. 12th at 10 a.m. or 12 p.m. in the Art Gallery. Come, connect, and share your story with us. All are welcome!

  • NEXT WEEK, November 14: Action for Justice Book Club - Please come and join us for the Action for Justice Book Club, Tuesday, November 14th, 6:45-8pm in Donnenwirth Lounge. We will be discussing the book Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds by Adrienne Maree Brown. The book is not required and we welcome all who wish to join, including high schoolers. Please request to join the Action for Justice group on Realm so you will receive more detail regarding the November meeting. Email Lisa Clark at for questions or comments.

  • NEXT WEEK, Friday, November 17: NNEMAP Harmony for Hunger - NNEMAP will present its 12th Annual Harmony For Hunger benefit concert on Friday, November 17th at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church beginning at 7:30pm. This concert features talent from all over Central Ohio. We are excited to feature the Ohio State Men’s Glee Club and the Ohio State Men’s and Women’s Chorale. In addition, WBNS 10TV news anchor Yolanda Harris will be the emcee for the evening. This year will also feature a robust silent auction.  Tickets are $25 at the door, or on (feature word nnemp). Roy Clark will also have a table set up at church on Sunday if you wish to purchase tickets.


  • Saturday, November 18: Young Adults Friendsgiving - Join King Avenue Young Adults for Friendsgiving on November 18 at 6pm! (Young adult = college-35ish) Maybe you're celebrating with family later and you want a head start on the feast, maybe you don't have any celebration plans - either way, you're welcome to celebrate with us. We'll have the turkey, and you can bring a side to share. We'll gather at Pastor Andy's house - let him know if you're coming so he can tell you where it is ( or REGISTER ON REALM.

  • Sunday, November 19: Heartsong and Friends So Grateful Concert - Heartsong and Friends So Grateful Concert November 19 at 4:00 in the Sanctuary. Please join us for an afternoon if beautiful music featuring singers, handbells, soloists and brass.  A freewill offering will go towards our friends at Hilliard Adopt-A-House.

  • Monday, November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) - King Avenue United Methodist Church is hosting the Columbus Transgender Day of Remembrance on Monday, November 20th. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. Doors open at 6:30, and the program will begin at 7pm. A short reception will follow the program. If you would like to volunteer for set-up, greeting, or clean-up, please contact Gwen at Read more about TDOR: 

  • Sunday, November 26: Lit Club - Join the Lit Club on November 26 at 7pm in the Logos Lounge. All are welcome! Simply read the book of the month - this month's book is Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin - and get together to talk about it.  Contact Rick Gilson ( if you'd like to be added to the communication group in Realm.

  • Wednesday, November 29: Rainbow Connections Health Fair - Your physical health is just as important as your spiritual and emotional health. Join Rainbow Connections for a health fair on November 29. At 6:30pm, Columbus Public Health will be set up for a variety of health tests and screenings, as well as vaccines. We'll also hear from a few speakers who will share about how to find and access LGBTQ-friendly healthcare around Columbus, and caring for your mental health around the holidays. Register on Realm to let us know you're coming, and contact Pastor Andy ( with any questions.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

  • NNEMAP Item of the Month for October & November - Each month, we are going to focus our donations on specific items our community partners. You can bring your donations with you on Sundays. There will be a place to leave them in the back of the worship space. Please donate non-perishable side items (boxes, cans, etc)  during the months of October and November.  NNEMAP also needs feminine hygiene products.

  • Item of the Month for Hubbard Elementary - Periodically we are asked for items to help students at our partner school, Hubbard Elementary. They are asking for new or gently used shirts & pants, and new underwear for kids size 5-10. You can bring your donations with you on Sundays. There will be a place to leave them in the back of the worship space. 

