Mexico Mission Trip - February 2025

June 27, 2024

Mexico Trip 2025

King Avenue has been taking mission teams to the Mexican city of Piedras Negras since 2007, where we visit an orphanage (Casa de Misericordia) and local churches who are involved in the care of Mexico’s poorest citizens.  The purpose of each trip is to deepen the partnership with our friends in Piedras Negras.  We accomplish this by playing games and doing activities with the children, helping with maintenance and or construction projects around the grounds and enjoying fellowship over meals and in worship.

Casa de Misericordia is home to children whose parents have abandoned or abused them.  Some return to their families when the home situation becomes more stable, but others will stay until they are able to live on their own or with a distant relative. The children need to know that someone cares for them and our church’s long-term commitment is important in this regard. 

We will be sending our next team to Casa de Misericordia on Feb. 13-17, 2025. Casa de Misericordia is a loving, safe, God-centered home for abused, neglected, and homeless children in Piedras Negras, Mexico. King Avenue has connected with the Casa for almost 20 years, and we're excited to continue the relationship with the next team. The trip will cost $1,000 per participant. Don't let sticker shock stop you from going though - we can help you with the funds. If you are at all interested, contact Pastor Andy ( or Gwen DeRosa ( 
