NNEMAP Volunteers Needed

August 22, 2020

Volunteers Needed at NNEMAP Food Pantry

NNEMAP added service on Thursdays from 3 until 7PM, and Saturdays from 10 until 1pm. The Saturday shifts will be the same as our shifts during the week, with full offerings of food. This will not be a produce-only day. The Thursday shift represents our first offering of afternoon and evening hours to provide services those who work during the weekdays. NNEMAP will begin accepting clients from all zip codes in Columbus and Franklin Co. NNEMAP will need more volunteers! NNEMAP is centrally located near the Ohio Expo Center at 677 E 11th Ave, Columbus, OH 43211. NNEMAP is also expanding into a home delivery service, providing several deliveries each week to those who need food assistance and lack transportation. Drivers are among the volunteers needed to make this work. Those interested should contact director@nnemappantry.org
